25 Beers of Christmas: Day Seven – Victory Golden Monkey

All in all…oh hey beautiful thing. I want to wrap this beer up in a tiny package and bring it with me everywhere. This Victory Golden Monkey smells like fresh tulips, and like white peach tea with a giant spoonful of honey.  It’s very sweet, extremely yeasty, and fairly carbonated. I’d like the Golden Monkey more if it was just a touch sweeter, and if the floral taste was more specific, or if it had more of a citrusy character.

Have you ever heard of Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury? That book was given to me by my favorite friend aka bestie during winter one year, and I held out until May to read it. It was a perfect spring book – after I left work every day I would spend an hour on the quad reading in the grass, enjoying the feeling of being warm again. In my mind, dandelion wine tastes like a Golden Monkey.

Recommend to a friend? Yes. Now I know that some people can have a pretty strong dislike for yeasty Belgian ales, but if you’re going to try one for a relatively reasonable price this would be it.

How much snow are you willing to scrape off your car for this? (4) Twenty minutes what!

Safe for lightweights? 9.5% ABV. Comes with the territory of being a Tripel.

Plus one? Most likely not with this ABV, but if I was to get a second there’s this Gouden Carolus that my brother got when he was home, and let me try…And I definitely need to have one of those next.

1 comment
  1. ce. said:

    This sounds right up my alley. I’ll have to see if they have this at Kahn’s. 🙂

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